Concealed and open carry firearms are prohibited upon the Lazy K Ranch/Spokane Renaissance Faire Site property, except as required by law with regards to law enforcement personnel with properly presented credentials. This includes period piece firearms.
Period Arms:
These arms are described as weapons relevant to the period portrayed while in costume. Such arms may include, but are not limited to: swords, daggers, maces, bows and arrows, and pikes. All arms must be secured or "peace tied" to the guest at all times in a holster protecting the blade and may not be removed from the holster. Any exposed blade or point must be of stage combat grade and must not pose a risk of injury to the guest or others. Arrows being carried as costume adornment must be "peace tied" together and/or have the arrow tips removed. If period firing weapons are made completely out of plastics, resin, wood or foam without moving parts they are allowable, but still need to be peace tied and holstered. Security personnel are available at the front gate area to assist guests with the securing of weapons. Any person in possession of a weapon that is determined to be unsafe or unable to be made safe will be requested to secure it in their vehicle or remove it from the Faire Site.
No outside food or beverages may be brought onto the site. No Alcohol may be consumed outside of designated areas. Use of Marijuana or illegal drugs WILL NOT be allowed anywhere on the Lazy K Ranch/Spokane Renaissance Faire Site property.
Smoking and/or Vaping will be allowed in designated areas only. Cigarettes must be extinguished in designated containers.
Entrance onto the Faire Site deems the person as a "patron" and indicates that they understand the Lazy K Ranch and Spokane Renaissance Faire Site Policies. Such privilege may be revoked without refund for noncompliance by the Spokane Renaissance Faire Management. "Patron(s)" assumes all risks occurring before, during or after event, including injury by any cause, and releases the Spokane Entertainer's Guild, Spokane Renaissance Faire Management, (or those working under their direction), the Lazy K Ranch their representatives and personnel from any related claims.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Please lock your vehicle and do not leave valuables in vehicle. Park at your own risk, Faire is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to parked vehicles. PARKING IS FREE. Handicap and stroller parking is found at the front near the gate. Our faire is on a field so be prepared for such terrain.
Well behaved, non-aggressive, and on-leash pets are welcome. If we deem, at any point, that an animal has become aggressive, it must be removed immediately from site. Owner is responsible for any cleanup or damage caused by their animal. There will be special designated "Pet Areas" for sanitation. Please use this area as a convenience for your pet and a courtesy to other patrons.
There is handicapped parking near the front gate. The site is an open fields with small hills and pathways. Those in wheelchairs may find it a little tricky in places.
Costumes (also called "garb") are NOT required; however they are encouraged. There are many wonderful Vendors online and We have several vendors on-site ready to sell you their wares.
OTHER Characters:
"Can I come dressed up like a Star Trek Klingon!? What about Dr. Who or Deadpool!?" Absolutely...
Our faire does portray the 1500's Renaissance Township and Tournament and all cast and crew of our organization will be dress in Tudor Era garb but patrons are fee to come in their favorite outfits. We do encourage ALL characters, from Period appropriate to Fantasy. Our faire is a family event so we ask that all patrons who choose to attend in costume be sure to have 60% body coverage and no chest/backside/pelvic area be exposed.
Concealed and open carry firearms are prohibited upon the Lazy K Ranch property where the Spokane Renaissance Faire is held. An exception is made as required by law with regards to law enforcement personnel with properly presented credentials. This includes period piece firearms.
Period Arms:
These arms are described as weapons relevant to the period portrayed while in costume/garb. Such arms may include, but are not limited to: swords, daggers, maces, bows and arrows, and pikes. All arms must be secured or "peace tied" to the guest at all times in a holster protecting the blade and may not be removed from the holster. Any exposed blade or point must be of stage combat grade and must not pose a risk of injury to the guest or others. Arrows being carried as costume adornment must be "peace tied" together and/or have the arrow tips removed. Security personnel are available at the front gate area to assist guests with the securing of weapons. Any person in possession of a weapon that is determined to be unsafe or unable to be made safe will be requested to secure it in their vehicle or remove it from the Faire Site.
No outside food and drink is permitted inside the Faire gates except for water bottles (we make a small exception for parents of small children bringing "snacks" and sippy cups/bottles). – Tailgating/Grilling on our premises is not permitted and you will be asked to leave without refund. Those with allergies/dietary restrictions will be considered an exception and will apply only to the person with the dietary restriction and will NOT give you permission to bring in food for your entire party. No Alcohol may be consumed outside of designated areas such as the tavern. Use of Marijuana or illegal drugs WILL NOT be allowed anywhere on the Lazy K Ranch/Spokane Renaissance Faire Site property as is required by law AND the owners.
Tobacco Smoking and/or Vaping will be allowed in designated areas only. Cigarettes & Cigars must be extinguished in designated containers.
Restrooms/Baby Changing:
The Faire has multiple Porta-Potties placed in designated locations at the event. This includes at least two Handicap Stalls. A Baby Changin Station is located at the information/first aid booth near the gate.
Family Atmosphere:
The Spokane Renaissance Faire does their best to maintain a "Family-Friendly Atmosphere"; however, some shows on the main stages may be rated at PG-13. A special area is set up specifically for our younger Lords and Ladies. Child care is NOT provided, so we ask that you remain responsible for your young ones at all time. We have a tavern for those patrons who are 21 and over.
Weather & Shade:
The Spokane Faire is in the beginning of October leaving the weather to a guessing game. We typically encourage our volunteers and patrons to dress in layers. Some years it is quite warm while others it is on the cooler side. Many merchants sell parasols usually but there is shade on the hillside where the audience is for the jousting festivities as well as in the First Aid Booth and the Tavern. We are currently working to add shade locations near the stages.
Tickets & Faire Times:
Tickets go on sale at 9:00am. Bring two cans of food and receive $1.00 off your regular price admission. Advance Ticket Sales and VIP passes may avoid the long lines and enter through the VIP/Will Call ticket booth. Opening Gate Ceremony begins at 9:45am YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS...after the ceremony, you will be invited to join a parade through the Faire. The Faire OFFICIALLY begins at 10:00 and runs through 5:00pm.
Credit Cards/ATM:
Lady Visa and Lord Master Card are accepted at the Front Gate, Tavern and most vendors. An ATM will be available for your convenience. Checks will NOT be accepted at the gate and tavern. Some vendors my select to accept checks.
The Faire is open rain or shine. No refunds or rain checks are offered. Almost all entertainment acts will continue in rain as well. Many performers have unique shows they only perform in the rain!
Leaving And Returning
During the Faire:
You are welcome to leave the faire and return throughout the same day. Make sure you DO NOT remove your wrist-band as it is your ticket back into the fun.
How much money should I bring?:
This can vary depending on what you intend to purchase and how long you will be there. It is similar to your regular State Fairs. After the initial gate fee, there are no other required purchases inside the gate. General recommendations might include: $10-$15 per person for food. Performers will often "pass the hat" and ask for donations if you enjoyed their show. Merchants sell items ranging from $1-$5,000, and some activities in the kids area may range from $1-$15.
Lost items and Parents:
The Renaissance Faire will have an Information Booth/Lost and Found for any small items or parents that are misplaced during the Faire. It will be located just as you come into the faire next to Security and First-Aid.
The faire loves to have people jump in and join the team! To volunteer, go to our "get involved" tab for more information!
We could hardly pull off such a large event without the community being involved! Whether is is sponsoring a stage, donating lumber or offering to help with our Marketing Costs, we need donations and sponsorship! To learn more, go to our "Get Involved" tab on the home page.
Performing or Demonstrating:
Performing your unique act for thousands of patrons or having a demonstration booth to teach about the renaissance times and talents is a great aid in our desire to be an educational outlet! To apply, please go to our "get involved" tab for more information!
Being a Merchant or
a Food Vendor:
Merchants and Food Vendors make our marketplace magical! Whether it is ancient stones polished to a high sheen, horn cups in which to drink, garb to don or biting into a thick piece of yumminess, we are looking for unique hand-made period items in period-looking booths! If you think that is you or you want more information, go to our "get involved" tab for more information!
Who's Behind the Faire?:
The Spokane Renaissance Faire is an event Produced by the Spokane Entertainers Guild but is run by a team of Directors, Assistant Directors, Managers and Volunteers who dedicate countless (and sometimes sleepless) hours to make this two-day event truly spectacular! For more information of the SEG, you can go to the "Spokane Entertainers Guild" tab on the homepage menu.